Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We are back!

No words can describe the spiritual reward we had with the people of Ghana!

Confirmation day. Bishop of Wa Diocese.

On the way to Sunday mass!

One stop at the Mole village.

Tamale ~ Shakenah Clinic.

Angela and Lillian with Sister Francisca and other Seminary staff.

Fr. Edward presenting a gift to Fr. Jim!

Summit Day. ~ Fr. Jim presenting a gift to the Bishop.

Peggy enjoying baby Christopher.

Bob has two new friends!
More pictures to come!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

We finally found an Internet hot spot!

Well, I can understand the frustration people have here with the Internet! We have not been able to find a workable connection since we left Tamale. We are now in the second largest city in Ghana: Kumasi. The adventures with the Bishop and his people in Wa were amazing and overwhelming. Their warmth, dedication, and intelligence was very impressive. They were so grateful for the communication tools we brought but their Internet connection was not good. The Bishop has asked first for a better solution for them. I'm doing research and will need the help of all those in the parish who know about such things. Thank you in advance, Bill Weber and your team at JPL for your interest in this problem. I know we can help them with this. They are eager to connect with our parish and have set out goals that are about a sustained, mutual partnership. We need their constant and unrestrained warmth and love. Everywhere you go peopel wave and smile. It really feels like one happy family. We met a couple of American students who commented on how the Ghanians were so much friendlier than anyone else they came upon. More later...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Are you all okay?

It's been 5 days since your last posting. I hope all is well and that you're having magnificent experiences. Please post so that we know how you're all doing.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

So Many Blessings!

Oh, my dears, it is wonderful to hear that you have arrived safely and have already been showered with so many blessings from the people of Ghana! The photos posted are surreal...like the pages of National Geographic. I can't wait to see all of you in your Ghanian (?) garb! What a delight it will be to see you all at the altar at Mass when you return to show off your garments and receive our wholehearted "welcome home."

Until your much awaited next installment and photos, I send you my and my family's prayers for continued safety on your travels.

Much love,
Maria Drummond

Day 2

So here we are in Tamale (not what you think, Southern Californians... it's pronounced Tah-mah-LAY). The day began with a 4am wake-up call (yikes!) and off to the Accra airport to board a prop plane on northward to Tamale. Cardinal Turkson, Archbishop of Cape Coast, made a surprise appearance in his white and scarlet cassock (i.e. "robe"- cassock is Ken B's word) and joined us on board. Much to our delight, cool breezes welcomed our arrival in Tamale as the only plane at the airport/fruit stand -- a distinct relief from the humidity of the coast.

After a narrow escape by Peggy from the monkeys (who do NOT appreciate the paparazzi), We later walked to the Ghana Catholic Relief Services (CRS) headquarters. Along the way, the streets were lined with vendors, students, goats, and one-table storefronts. Women of all ages passed us by, shoulders back, baskets full and balanced upon their heads. Our team photographers captured the bustling mid-morning scene delightedly, and only mis-stepped once putting an enthusiastic arm around the shoulder of a traditional Muslim woman.

The afternoon we slept. 5pm and it was time to go to the seminary. But no, delayed plans, so the Team took a detour to the Gariba Lodge lounge for some reflection time. While we awaited meeting with the staff of St. Victor's Seminary, CRS further extended their gracious hospitality by sending a local seamstress to meet with us and measure us for traditional Ghanaian garments.

Our friends at St. Victor's seminary hosted an amazing and homey dinner and loved the DVD by the St. Bede parishioners sending their love and support across the miles to the people of Ghana. Many of them wished for more St. Beders to meet them next year and further nourish the partnership that has begun today. We happily accepted on your behalf. After enjoying some goat soup, jellof, bean salad, mango, and a few Fanta (& Guinness) we parted ways until tomorrow morning for Mass.

We feel overwhelmed at the gift which is to meet with the people here and hear their stories. We hope the questions we are asking them on your behalf do justice to your hopes for this partnership as well. Blessings-

Pictures from Accra, Ghana

Fr. Jim kissing the ground after the cross-world flight into Accra, Ghana
A one-foot welcoming party at the hotel.

A woman selling oranges next to our hotel.

Roasting corn on the cob in the streets

40 cents buys a fresh coconut, again from a street vendor

Emergency Phone# while in Ghana

For all the families, and the rest the of the community: in case of an emergency, the contact phone# is:
This is a cell phone for the group while in Ghana.

We are having an amazing time. The people are very nice. Their hospitality is amazing!

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Day

All 15 of us arrived safe and sound... 5 1/2 hours to New York; 10 more to Accra, the Ghanaian capital city on the coast. Upon disembarking the plane, the humidity embraced us like Chicago, Florida, or New Orleans, depending upon which team member you ask. First impressions included awe, warmth, welcome, humility, and... "indescribable". The ride from the airport through Accra allowed us to see impressive modern architecture, lush green landscaping, a multitude of (fearless!) street vendors, and the extreme of human need. More from individuals later...

Catholic Relief Services greeted us at the airport and hosted our first day with a visit to the Cultural Center in Accra, a "Welcome Water"(think: cocktail hour), and a beautiful dinner including paw-paw soup, kelewele (plantains), akrokro, Tribes special (rice & veggies), fried fish, beans, beef stew, aubergine :), prawn salad, minted zucchini patties, and more and more fried plantains. We finished the day chatting and laughing with our CRS hosts on the deck of Afia Village hotel, overlooking southward the Gulf of Guinea.

Early start tomorrow (4:30am) to the airport again and Tamale in the north to visit one of the CRS clinics.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Hi Everyone,

I hope your journey was smooth and fun. Please post to the blog about your first impressions. Can't wait to hear about the journey to your adventure.

Many blessings,

Maria Drummond
(Angela's sis)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Emergency Phone No.

In case of an emergency, contact Thomas Awiapo (CRS), at:
He will relay the message to any of the team members.

leave a message on this blog. We will try to check it on a regular basis.

Last Cultural Education Night - 7/11/08

The team gathered for its final Cultural Education night on Friday, July 11th at the priests house. After enjoying a very delicious meal prepared by Fr. Kevin, the team finalized the video presentation that will be shared with the people in Wa.

Thank you Fr. Kevin!

Ghana - St. Bede Partnership - Video

Go to this website to see the video from the people of St. Bede to the people of Ghana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sel6S-ca5E8

or watch here:

Greetings to Ghana from the People of St. Bede the Venerable in La Canada, California USA

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Prayers and well wishes are greatly appreciated as the team prepares to leave for Ghana next week.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Commissioning Ceremony -Sunday July 6, 2008

The team was Commissioned by Father Kevin on Sunday July 6th, in a very touching and spiritual ceremony.