Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 2

So here we are in Tamale (not what you think, Southern Californians... it's pronounced Tah-mah-LAY). The day began with a 4am wake-up call (yikes!) and off to the Accra airport to board a prop plane on northward to Tamale. Cardinal Turkson, Archbishop of Cape Coast, made a surprise appearance in his white and scarlet cassock (i.e. "robe"- cassock is Ken B's word) and joined us on board. Much to our delight, cool breezes welcomed our arrival in Tamale as the only plane at the airport/fruit stand -- a distinct relief from the humidity of the coast.

After a narrow escape by Peggy from the monkeys (who do NOT appreciate the paparazzi), We later walked to the Ghana Catholic Relief Services (CRS) headquarters. Along the way, the streets were lined with vendors, students, goats, and one-table storefronts. Women of all ages passed us by, shoulders back, baskets full and balanced upon their heads. Our team photographers captured the bustling mid-morning scene delightedly, and only mis-stepped once putting an enthusiastic arm around the shoulder of a traditional Muslim woman.

The afternoon we slept. 5pm and it was time to go to the seminary. But no, delayed plans, so the Team took a detour to the Gariba Lodge lounge for some reflection time. While we awaited meeting with the staff of St. Victor's Seminary, CRS further extended their gracious hospitality by sending a local seamstress to meet with us and measure us for traditional Ghanaian garments.

Our friends at St. Victor's seminary hosted an amazing and homey dinner and loved the DVD by the St. Bede parishioners sending their love and support across the miles to the people of Ghana. Many of them wished for more St. Beders to meet them next year and further nourish the partnership that has begun today. We happily accepted on your behalf. After enjoying some goat soup, jellof, bean salad, mango, and a few Fanta (& Guinness) we parted ways until tomorrow morning for Mass.

We feel overwhelmed at the gift which is to meet with the people here and hear their stories. We hope the questions we are asking them on your behalf do justice to your hopes for this partnership as well. Blessings-

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